The week to 7/10/21

Update on open airs in Solihull, City Centre, Small Heath and Kings Heath.

Prayers valued for D, David, Daniel & Paddy.

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Paul’s report from Small Heath

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Impact of Past on Present

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News Update – October 2020

From early July we were able to get back out on to the streets and then over subsequent weeks through the summer to re-open at Hope. Of course, there has been some more work involved in making preparations and adjusting to the circumstances, but we have been encouraged with some whom we have made contact with during the lockdown.

Over these last months we have also met two believing couples through our open air work. An Indian couple have since come into fellowship in a neighbouring assembly in the north of Birmingham, and a Romanian couple came to join with us. We received the wife Cristina into fellowship early September, but her husband, Marin, though saved had not been baptised. It was therefore a joy, two Lord’s Days ago to witness Marin obeying the Lord in this way. The Lord spoke in that meeting, challenging an unbaptised believer in his 60’s, John, with the necessity of obedience. And so, unless restrictions increase, we plan, DV, to open up the baptistry once more next week.

On our YouTube channel – Forward Inhope – I have recently been uploading a series of short Gospel messages. We are about to start distributing Seed Sower texts along with a Free Bible Offer and an invite to hear the Gospel via the YouTube channel. We look to the Lord with expectation of blessing, as we have already been encouraged with eight requests for Bibles over the past six months from an advert placed on Facebook in May and some door to door tracting around Balsall Heath in August.

The majority of my focus since July however has been in Small Heath – an area the locals call ‘a Muslim area’. Though we have had from time to time a little opposition, we have generally had complete freedom to bear witness for Christ. Our modus operandi is to display a couple of large banners (Isa 53:5 and 1 John 5:12 in Arabic, English and Somali) on the roadside railings, and weather permitting set up a tract stand. We then engage those passing by in conversation as we can, offering them a NT in English or Gospels in their own language.

Language problems aside, it is fairly easy to engage a Muslim in discussion. All you need to ask is their opinion of Jesus Christ, and off you go. While they will whole-heartedly deny the Sonship of Christ, the vast majority have no idea of the Biblical teaching of an Eternal Son, assuming it is a biological relationship. In all our conversations, we endeavour to get the Bible open before them ASAP that it might be the authority of the Word of God that speaks to them, and not ourselves.

John 17 is a great passage to turn to, and you walk down the verses with them one at a time, trying not to be side-tracked. Many are already familiar with John 17:3, ripping it out of context to support an Islamic position, so the first 5 verses can tick a lot of boxes.

First in verse 1, you can point out how Jesus was praying (for Muslims all assume Jesus prayed like they pray, and cite Gethsemane). Then you can note that Jesus began with the word ‘Father’, and asks that He, ‘the Son’, might be glorified. At this point, a claim of corruption of the Scriptures is likely to come up. This is always their get-out clause, and needs to be addressed at some point, but insist that we continue with John 17, and when we have finished with this passage, we can examine the claims of corruption of the Bible and Qur’an. Often, when you begin to hold the Qur’an up to the same level of scrutiny as they want to give to the Bible, they will quickly drop the whole subject of corruption. You can then continue with all the great truths in the first five verses of John 17. Of course, this is easier said than done.

I remember a conversation with Isa a few weeks ago. He was just not willing to even try to understand what I was sharing with him, and kept raising and refuting strawman after strawman. Another chap didn’t want to engage in conversation directly, but kept pointing me to online Muslim apologists. If only I would listen to them I would convert. While their blindness to the truths of the Gospel is clearly evident, we praise God that our Saviour is able to open the eyes of the blind. We are therefore encouraged by the good numbers of NT’s, Gospels and other literature given out each week. We simply sow the seed. It is the Lord who will give the increase!

Finally, let me tell of a lovely moment when a young boy (perhaps around 10) came past and stopped to listen to a conversation I was having with another man. This was an unusual conversation, for the man wasn’t a Muslim and wanted to hear the Gospel, so I had a wonderful opportunity to set it forth in simple terms, just perfect for this young boy. The man subsequently left with a New Testament, and then the boy asked me quietly and a little unsure if I was a Muslim. When I told him “no, I am a Christian”, his faced crumpled and he shot off down the road as fast as his legs could run. However, I praise God for arranging the other conversation to happen just at the right time so this boy could hear the Gospel. May the Lord one day save his soul.

Thanks again for your continued interest and faithful prayers,
Andy and Janelle Mullan

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News and Prayer Update – July 2020


The big news first – we had the great joy to welcome into the world, and into our family a beautiful wee girl – Jemima  – born at 15:29 on 3rd July.  She weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz and measured 20”. We thank the Lord for His goodness and grace.  All went well through the labour and since.  Both Janelle and Jemima are doing well, and we are thankful that Jemima sleeps well at night.

Well, what about the boys?  Of course they are over the moon, thrilled and besotted.  They all enjoy having a wee sister, and the younger three particularly love to hold and rock her.

We concluded making our Sunday School videos at the end of June, are taking a break, but the boys are keen to get back into it come August.  With the school work going to be affected by Coronavirus for months to come, I’d like to make the next series with schools in mind. Prayers valued.  If you didn’t see the previous series, they are all listed on my website: along with other video recordings we’ve made over the past months.

Since the beginning of July we have gradually been easing back into open air and outdoor tract work. We have carried out two open airs in Birmingham City Centre and now been back down in Small Heath twice as well, plus a day spent in Sparkbrook. Next week would have been our Reaching Muslims outreach, though cancelled as you’d expect. However, I am going to personally be focusing on the Muslim work over the next few weeks. One reason is that within the Muslim community there has been some contention regarding the Qur’an.

In the majority of conversations we would have with Muslims, mention would inevitably be made concerning their perception that the Bible has been corrupted and changed, while the Qur’an remains unchanged from the time of Muhammad, accurate to the letter, indeed to the dot.  This viewpoint is ludicrous, and though the common Muslim’s faith is, in ignorance, strengthened by it, the scholars and academics have come to a point where they can no longer hold this view, so overwhelming is the manuscript evidence to the contrary. And so, six weeks ago, a video was posted on YouTube of a Muslim scholar admitting publicly for the first time that there are many variants in the manuscripts and in the various transmissions of the text of the Qur’an.

As the light of truth shines in this small area of academic research, its rays will slowly begin to reach down to the common Muslim on street, and thus there is an opportunity to use this as a means of sowing seeds of doubt in the minds of those so blinded by Islam, to the end that they might be more open to hearing the Gospel or reading the Bible, though it will take time.  A conversation yesterday is a case in point. An African man, who grew up in a Christian environment and subsequently converted to Islam, had heard of what this aforementioned scholar had said, but simply dismissed it sticking to the old line.  As we continued to set evidence before him, he observed that we were trying to get him to doubt the Qur’an, and we agreed with his observation. His answer was that he would never doubt it. He had made up his mind and nothing would shake it. With this man, it was because his mind was closed to the Gospel that we pursued this more polemical approach, but it is not the method we use with all.

A Pakistani man in Small Heath, well educated, engaged with us regarding the Trinity.  With this man, we took more of an apologetic approach, defending Christ from the Scriptures.  This is by far the most common approach we take, for the Muslims primary tactic is to use carefully selected verses from the Bible to attack the Deity of Christ.  This man took me to Mark 12v28-29 which concludes with the Lord quoting Deuteronomy 6: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord’. “There you go”, he says, “Jesus preached Islam”.  Of course, the riposte to whatever verse is thrown at us, is always the same – context, context and context!  So we reminded him that Jesus Christ was in v29 answering a specific question regarding the law; that this quotation when examined in the Hebrew in no way undermines the doctrine of the trinity; and would have liked to have gone on to remind him that the Lord in v36 actually speaks directly to the subject of His Deity by quoting Psalm 110. Unfortunately, he had a call from his wife, and had to go on up the road.

To conclude this overview of methods used, let me tell you of one further man I spoke to yesterday. Another Pakistani, this man was elderly, and though his English was pretty good, it was clear that simplicity was the key. This man just loved to tell the Qur’anic stories, the majority of which have ties to the Bible of not from the Bible, and so I let him talk, and then would chime in with the crucial missing piece that ties it back to the Gospel.  In this you have to ignore some of the false details because its not possible to correct everything, I wanted to keep coming back repeatedly to Christ and Him crucified. He talked about the virgin birth, and I reminded him that the one born was born to die and rise again – a living Saviour. He then went off on the story of Moses and the deliverance from Egypt, the magicians and the Red Sea, which gave me opportunity to tell him of the crucial part of the lamb, the blood and the angel of death passing over. I emphasised to him that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, and this held true for all the OT saints: Adam, Noah … at which point off he went into the Qur’anic story of Noah. He finished by marvelling that after Noah had preached for hundreds of years, the people would not believe and come into the ark. What a wonderful opportunity to show him how the ark is a picture of Christ, and to marvel how that as we walk up and down the street talking to Muslims and calling them to salvation in Christ, they too will not believe.  At this point I felt that was enough for the conversation and we bade each other a good day and departed.

In other news, Jdh’s arm has healed well. He is now out of plaster and getting more and more movement in his elbow week upon week. He still is not able to stretch it out fully but was able last weekend to cycle about 8 miles on his bike. So, the break is not hindering him in any way. He will still have to go back in about 6 months time to have the screw taken out.

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News and Prayer Update – May 2020 Issue

The beginning of this year seems a different era. Back then, we continued with open air meetings regularly and we were encouraged with a number of good conversations and contacts. We continue to keep in contact with Ny, who has more recently joined us for one or two of our zoom Gospel meetings.

At the beginning of February, we began an After-School children’s club at Hope, having tried it for 2 years in Small Heath with little impact. Immediately we had 15 children coming in, along with parents, and were able to have 5 sessions before schools closed down as a result of Coronavirus. Through that time numbers stayed consistent, and we thank the Lord for the contacts made, and pray we will be able to re-establish them again when schools start back.

Towards the end of February we had the joy of a baptism, when Holly, wife of Paul who we baptised last September, obeyed the Lord and gave testimony to His salvation. Her mother and sisters all were there. We pray for them.

Well, then CV hit, and we’ve all been having to adjust to curtailing our social contact and developing new ways of working. We were able to get some cards printed with the assembly details offering help, prayer or a Bible, and delivered 1000 locally round the hall in the week before we were told to stay at home. From that we’ve had two Bible requests, and a few get in touch via the website. Another man joined our Gospel meeting on Zoom last Lord’s Day evening.

I’ve been sending out a daily meditation on the psalms to encourage local saints, and these are posted on my website – – and it has been good to have time to update the Gospel content more regularly.  I have also produced two one minute Gospel videos, one targeting Muslims on forgiveness, and another more general one. These are posted on various social media channels, and I then took out some advertising on Facebook so that they would be promoted to a much wider audience. 6028 people have been reached by these videos, and for the one on forgiveness, we had over 2400 watching a significant amount of the video. 74 people altogether have clicked the link directing them to the website. I have found this very encouraging.

Then for Sunday School, I purchased video editor software, and we’ve now produced ten Sunday School videos, which has been great for giving the kids a real sense of purpose in these days too.

The latest episode –

Of course, the work on the streets: tracting and open airs, is on pause at the moment, but we continue to pray for the few thousand Gospels, NTs and tracts that have been given out over the past few years.  Our prayer at this time of isolation is that the Lord would use the Word that has been sown and planted in homes, to bring souls to salvation.  We are just beginning to think of starting to get out and about again, and ask you to pray we’ll have wisdom in this and act according to the Lord’s will.

Our week of outreach at the end of July, Reaching Muslims, is still on at present, though we are due to make a final decision in the next week or so. However, we will get back down there personally ASAP. I have also been using the time to produce more literature for distribution around the doors, which I think may be the first thing we will be able to get back to.

family with pop

In family news, we mourn the recent homecall of Janelle’s dad. We are so glad that we were able to get over to the States last October, to see their new abode in Tennessee, and for the boys particularly to enjoy time with Mimi and Pop-Pop. Craig had not been unwell, but went down with Pancreatitis in mid-March and developed complications.  Over the course of four weeks, his condition fluctuated, but ultimately led to a heart attack.  Janelle and I were able to speak with dad a short time before he passed into glory, and were all able to be at the grave and funeral service via video link. We are also glad he got to hear we are expecting a little girl, mid-July!

So, big changes are afoot in the Mullan household.  I am also working presently on getting the rest of the loft floored, so we can add two more rooms and create the extra space that is needed. Mch continues to do well in his part-time GCSE course at college, currently doing his end of year tests.  Nh continues to prosper in his education and for the Lord. He was also accepted on to the college course just before it all closed down.  Jnh and Ez are looking forward eagerly to getting a wee kitten in coming days. Ez has wanted a pet for a long time, so here goes!

With the extra time at home, I was able to get all the bikes working and Jdh has really taken to it. He had a bit of a practice last summer, but this time, he picked it up so easily. We’ve enjoyed a few cycles together around the reservoir beside us. Unfortunately, Jdh will be off his bike for a while after tripping over a tree root last Friday and fracturing his arm. He did not look forward to going to hospital, but since the operation has been in good spirits and not complained at all. Do keep Jdh and Janelle in your prayers over coming weeks.

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New Banner

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RM Outreach Day

We had a very good and encouraging day in Small Heath on Sat 10th Nov. 18 believers came to share the Gospel in personal conversations with the dear Muslim people of the neighbourhood.

There was a little trepidation in the hearts of some, but having spent the morning training, they went out in the afternoon with more assurance, and all came back with positive stories to tell.


In any conversation, fear often comes from not knowing what to expect, or how to navigate the challenges, and a little tactical thinking beforehand can allay those fears.

Three points we dwelt on were:

  1. Asking Questions
  2. Opening the Bible
  3. Reading the Context

A Different Mindset

We read Matthew 23, and considered the similarities of Islam with Phariseeism, particularly the emphasis placed upon the Law. Yet we noted that while there is a basic commonality, there are fundamental differences in the concept of God and morality; of man and sin. This means that in any discussion time must be taken to clarify and define the terms we use.


Pray for S, who spoke with Jason for a long time, in the end taking away a NT. Pray he reads it and finds Christ.

Pray for a Muslim lady, a teacher, who showed some interest, and was challenged to focus her consideration on the person of Jesus Christ.

Pray for a couple of folks, F and I, who gave their contact details, that fruitful further discussion might ensue.

Pray for the seed that was sown into hearts in the other conversations that took place, and for the many tracts given out.


The day ended with ministry from our brother Frank Proudlock. He gave a clear overview of justification by faith as presented in Romans, before expounding James’ discussion of justification of our faith by our works, drawing out some helpful and practical lessons.

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Door to door, to English classes?

Having completed the two weeks of taking the Bible exhibition into five schools across Birmingham, we are now back to focusing in Small Heath once more.

We have begun door to door work around the hall, and when many doors remain unanswered, we have had one or two conversations.

One elderly Irish man, Joseph, was happy to talk to me, but only really on the subject of himself. He claimed he was the best singer in Ireland, and had been a great stand up comic. Nevertheless, the reality of life and death had made its presence felt, and he sorrowed for his dear wife, now gone!

I hope to go and see him again, and we pray there will be opportunity to reach his heart.

At another door, an elderly Muslim lady did not speak much English, but I was grateful her son translated for her, and allowed her to make up her own mind. This was in contrast to an elderly lady and her daughter I met later in the day, where the mother took a tract, but her daughter took it off her and gave it back to me. In this case, the lady accepted the gift and we pray that as she listens to the Gospel she will find life.

A few days prior to our going out on the doors, we had been talking about the possibility of arranging English classes. Would this be an opportunity to reach the neighbourhood with the Gospel? With all these questions, there is another more important question: Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?

What do we make then of a meeting with a man, who almost immediately asks us if we know of any Christian group who are teaching English? Certainly, there is no co-incidence in this, and we take it as leading from our living God.

Do pray for this door of opportunity as we move forward.

Thanks again for your faithful prayers and support.


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Exhibition Pictures & Data

The Lord answered prayer and we were able to get into 5 Primary schools

17 classes from Year 1 to Year 6 all listened extremely well

In total, over 560 children, plus their teachers, heard of a Saviour

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